
Showing posts from February, 2022

How to Draw a Volcano With Lava TUTORIAL

Create a wonderful Volcano drawing with like shooting fish in a barrel, step-by-step instructions and video tutorial. Great for kids and beginner artists! Jump to the step-past-pace instructions. What is a volcano? Volcanoes grade where cracks or ruptures are nowadays in the world's surface, or crust. Magma - molten, liquid stone beneath the surface - rises through these cracks. Once information technology reaches the surface, it is called lava. High pressure level due to heat may even cause it to explode. Ancient peoples attributed volcanic eruptions to acts of the gods. This is evident from Greek myth, and possibly from a homo-fabricated, volcano shaped pyramid discovered in Peru. In mod and popular art, volcanoes are often drawn aslope dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures, hearkening to early times in the earth'due south history when the planet may accep

How to Draw a Cute Teddy Bear Easy TUTORIAL

In this tutorial we will larn how to create a cute Teddy Carry and some school themed items. We'll be using basic shapes and the Pathfinder panel, so yous don't need a graphic tablet or advanced cartoon skills for making upward such character. Let's dig in! i. Course the Carry's Head and Face Step one Create a New certificate of 700 x 700px size and Color Style - RGB . Step 2 Nosotros'll start with the Teddy's head. Catch the Ellipse Tool (L) and make a circle. Let information technology to be a bit squashed, don't make it perfectly circular. Fill the circle with radial gradient from light brown ( R=247, Thousand=190, B=96 ) to darker brown ( R=212, G=132, B=67 ). Move the center signal of the slope up a bit to arrive exp
